Results for 'I︠U︡riĭ Sergeevich Meleshchenko'

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  1. Lenin i nauchno-tekhnicheskiĭ progress.Iurii Sergeevich Meleshchenko & Semen Viktorovich Shukhardin - 1969 - Leningrad,: "Nauka," Leningr. otd-nie. Edited by Semen Viktorovich Shukhardin.
  2. Lenin und der wissenschaftlich-technische Fortschritt.I︠U︡riĭ Sergeevich Meleshchenko - 1972 - Leipzig,: Fachbuchverl.. Edited by Semen Viktorovich[From Old Catalog] Shukhardin.
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  3. Nemet︠s︡kai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atogo-nachala dvadt︠s︡atogo vekov.Zoi︠a︡ Nikolaevna Meleshchenko - 1965
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  4. Neokantianstvo kak filosofskai︠a︡ osnova revizionizma.Zoi︠a︡ Nikolaevna Meleshchenko - 1960
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    On the Path of Restructuring: The Dialectics of Productive Forces and Relations of Production.Iurii K. Pletnikov - 1988 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 27 (1):25-50.
    In the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU entitled "On the Periodical Kommunist," the study of the dialectics of the forces and relations of production is assigned to the sphere of economics. It is no accident that the question is posed in this way. Today, under conditions of restructuring, a concrete analysis of the economic connections, contradictions, and interactions of socialist society and of the real forms of manifestation of economic relations is more important than ever. The [current] (...)
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    Innovative trends in the symphonic works of Soviet composers of the 1960s and Symphony No.3 by B. Tishchenko. Part 2.Iurii Eduardovich Serov - 2021 - Философия И Культура 10:1-15.
    The subject of this research is the period of Russian symphonic music of the 1960s. A new generation of composers – the “Sixtiers” – introduced a fresh modern musical language and remarkable artistic achievements. In first part of the article, the author dwell on several fundamental symphonic works by R. Shchedrin, S. Slonimsky, E. Denisov, Y. Falik, N. Karetnikov, as well gives general characteristics to this period. The second part of the article examines the compositions by A. Schnittke and L. (...)
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    Renewal of the domestic Symphonism of the 1960s in the works of young Leningrad composers.Iurii Eduardovich Serov - 2022 - Философия И Культура 4:9-24.
    The subject of the study is the period of Russian symphonic music of the 1960s. A new generation of "sixties" composers has entered the Soviet music scene, imperiously declaring themselves with bright creative achievements, fresh and modern musical language. The epoch of the turning point dictated a new reality, required new artistic thinking, generated diverse creative ideas. The panorama of Russian music was quite colorful, many things in art appeared and disappeared very rapidly, stylistic pluralism, lost at the dawn of (...)
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    Symphony No.1 by Boris Tishchenko: towards the “new shores” (on the revivalof Russian symphonism in the 1960s).Iurii Eduardovich Serov - 2022 - Философия И Культура 2:13-25.
    The subject of this research is the period of Soviet music in the 1960s. A new generation of the composers – the “Sixtiers” – came upon the stage, demonstrating remarkable artistic achievements, fresh and modern musical language. This article is dedicated to the symphonic work of the prominent Russian composer of the late XX century Boris Ivanovich Tishchenko. Particular attention is given to the Symphony No.1, which he created at the age of 22. Tishchenko burst into the Soviet musical space (...)
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    Orthodox theological understanding of church-state relations in Ukraine at the time of development of Media and Information Technology.Iurii Kovalenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:197-211.
    Iurii Kovalenko.Orthodox theological understanding of church-state relations in Ukraine at the time of development of Media and Information Technology. The author, who for many years was the press-secretary to the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, considers continuity UOC position on the principles of church-state relations and their genesis in accordance with the socio-political processes taking place in Ukraine, the development of media and information technology.
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  10. Idealisticheskaia Dialektika V Xx Stoletii Kritika Mirovozzrencheskikh Osnov Nemarksistskoi Dialektiki.Iurii Nikolaevich Davydov & M. B. Mitin - 1987 - Izd-Vo Polit. Lit-Ry.
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  11. Tekhnika i zakonomernosti ee razvitii︠a︡.I︠U︡. S. Meleshchenko - 1970 - Leningrad,: Lenizdat.
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    Vostochichestvo and the Dialogue of Cultures in the Creativity Works of Prince E. E. Ukhtomsky.Kolesnikov Anatoly Sergeevich - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):229.
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  13. Neomarksizm i problemy sot︠s︡iologii kulʹtury: Maks Veber i krizis zapadno-evropeĭskogo razuma: Paradoksy "neomarksistskogo" kulʹturoborchestva: Problemy otchuzhdenii︠a︡, kulʹturfilosofskiĭ smysl.Iurii Nikolaevich Davydov & Gennadii Vasil Evich Osipov (eds.) - 1980 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Open Orthodoxy as an alternative and perspective.Iurii Kovalenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:48-57.
    In this research, author analyzes and interprets data of sociological researches of the Razumkov Centre concerning the religious self-identification of Ukrainian citizens, their attitude towards the Church in general and towards the denominations and religions presented in Ukraine in the dynamics from the year 2000 to nowadays. The author also considers external and internal outlook trends and shows a dangerous contradiction between them. As an alternative to solve this conflict, the author suggests the idea of Open Orthodoxy and presents an (...)
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  15. Metodologicheskie problemy biologii. Mamzin, Alekseĭ Sergeevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1971
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  16. Ėstetika i iskusstvo. Trofimov, Pavel Sergeevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1966
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  17. Logicheskoe uchenie Aristoteli︠a︡.Aleksandr Sergeevich Akhmanov - 1960 - [Moskva,: Izd-vo sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkon. lit-ry.
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    I︠A︡zyk teorii dei︠a︡telʹnosti--stanovlenie.Oleg Sergeevich Anisimov - 2001 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Agro-Vestnik".
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  19. Anglo-amerikanskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ ėpokhi imperializma.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1964 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
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    Zum Gedenken an Adol'f Pavlovich Jushkevich.Sergej Sergeevich Demidov & Annette Vogt - 1994 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 2 (1):250-252.
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  21. SĖV--dinamichnoe razvitie nauki i tekhniki.Mark Sergeevich Ilʹin - 1981 - Moskva: Izdvo "Znanie,". Edited by D. A. Lebin.
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    Summa muzyki.Aleksandr Sergeevich Kli︠u︡ev - 2021 - Moskva: Progress-Tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  23. Rolʹ i mesto filosofii v obshchestve.Arseniĭ Sergeevich Makhov - 1971 - Edited by Troshin, Denis Mikhaĭlovich & [From Old Catalog].
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  24. Kniga V. I. Lenina "Materialism i ėmpiriokritits︠i︡zm.".Leonid Sergeevich Pavlov - 1959 - Leningrad,:
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    Apologii︠a︡ amoralizma--kriticheskiĭ ocherk burzhuaznogo ėticheskogo reli︠a︡tivizma.Viktor Sergeevich Pazenok - 1982 - Moskva: "Myslʹ,".
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    The problem of moral absolutes in the ethics of Vladimir Solov'ëv.Oleg Sergeevich Pugachev - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):207-221.
    Moral absolutes were perceived, by Solov'ëv, in a dual manner: a) from the side of content, of psychology, as when we speak of feelings, emotions, etc.; and b) under a formal aspect, as “ideas,” i.e. logically. Neither of these can be treated without relating to moral absolutes astrue, and without a rationalbelief in their truth, a truth that cannot be logically proved. In my opinion, our time has become keenly aware of the universally human value of Vladimir Solov'ëv's ethics, of (...)
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    The byzantine philosophy in the modern Greek history of philosophy.Pavel Sergeevich Revko-Linardato - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):152-157.
    The article summarizes the main achievements of the historical and philosophical thought of Greece in the study of Byzantine philosophy. Modern Greek researchers make a significant contribution to the formation of a theoretical and methodological basis for the study of Byzantine philosophy. Based on this basis, we can discover the origins, essential features and characteristic antinomies of Byzantine philosophy. The article examines the generalizing works of Greek scientists, in which Byzantine philosophy is presented as a holistic phenomenon. Greek scholars perceive (...)
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    Filologii︠a︡ i kulʹturologii︠a︡.P. N. Sakulin & Iurii Ivanovich Mineralov - 1990 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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    Ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡ vysokogo uma.Pavel Sergeevich Taranov - 1997 - Moskva: Izd-vo AST.
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    106 Filosofov: Zhiznʹ, Sudʹba, Uchenie.Pavel Sergeevich Taranov - 1995 - Simferopolʹ: "Tavrii︠a︡".
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  31. Fathers and Children.Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - 2010 - Oneworld Classics. Edited by D. M. Pursglove.
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    Elements of mathematical logic.Peter Sergeevich Novikov - 1964 - Reading, Mass.,: Addison-Wesley.
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    Professional teacher training program for the prevention of adrenaline addiction in adolescents.Anton Sergeevich Lushenkov - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):278-281.
    The article aims to review the program of professional training of teachers for the prevention of adrenaline addiction in adolescents and its effectiveness. The task of the work is to determine the strategy that will ensure the effectiveness of professional training of teachers for the prevention of adrenaline addiction in adolescents in the course of experimental work. In the process of studying the problem, the work of researchers in the selected scientific field is considered. As a result of the work (...)
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  34. Ėstetika i literaturnai︠a︡ kritika.Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov & V. A. Koshelev - 1995 - Moskva: "Iskusstvo". Edited by V. A. Koshelev.
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    Онтологии в рефлексивном пространстве.Oleg Sergeevich Anisimov - 2002 - Moskva: Vestnik ASMB.
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  36. Zovu--otzovisʹ.Nikolaĭ Sergeevich Atarov - 1973
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  37. Problemy subatomnogo prostranstva i vremeni.Vladilen Sergeevich Barashenkov - 1979 - Moskva: Atomizdat.
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  38. Burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ SShA dvadt︠s︡atogo veka.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1974 - Mysl.
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    Anti-anthropological narrative in contemporary discourse of human.Andrei Sergeevich Emelyanov - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):111-119.
    The author of the article turns to the modern discourse about man and his place in the humanities system. A retrospective analysis of the modern discourse about man allows us to distinguish three stages in its development: anti-humanism, anti-anthropology and post-anthropology. Despite the fact that the main topics around which he is focused are concentrated on criticism of "anthropocentrism" and "eurocentrism", the author concludes that the anti-anthropological narrative retains all the features of cultural and epistemological "narcissism". The anti-anthropological narrative continues (...)
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  40. Idei︠a︡ sobornosti v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii: pi︠a︡tʹ izbrannykh portretov.V. V. Gorbunov & Iurii Markovich Nagibin - 1994 - Moskva: "Feniks". Edited by I︠U︡riĭ Nagibin.
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    Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ estestvennogo prava: sovremennye interpretat︠s︡ii: monografii︠a︡.Kirill Sergeevich Grishin - 2023 - Moskva: Prospekt. Edited by E. A. Frolova.
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  42. Geografii︠a︡ i obshchestvo.Valentin Sergeevich Li︠a︡min - 1978
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    O filologii.Dmitriæi Sergeevich Likhachev - 1989 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  44. Kibernetika i khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo: Filos. probl. kibernet. modelirovanii︠a︡.Aleksandr Sergeevich Mitrofanov - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGU.
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  45. Filo sofskie problemy estestvoznanii︠a︡.Vasiliĭ Sergeevich Molodt︠s︡ov - 1967 - Edited by Korshunov, Anatoliĭ Mikhaĭlovich & [From Old Catalog].
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  46. Metodologicheskie problemy sovremennoĭ nauki.Vasiliĭ Sergeevich Molodt︠s︡ov, A. I︠A︡ Ilʹin & Anatoliĭ Mikhaĭlovich Korshunov (eds.) - 1970 - Moskva,: Izd. Mosk. un-ta.
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  47. Dialekticheskoe protivorechie i logika poznanii︠a︡.Igor' Sergeevich Narskii - 1969 - Nauka.
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  48. O "Filosofskikh tetradi︠a︡kh" V. I. Lenina.Leonid Sergeevich Pavlov - 1958
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  49. Ideologicheskie osnovy ėstetiki.Boris Sergeevich Ri︠u︡rikov - 1978 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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  50. Sot︠s︡ializm i chelovek.Boris Sergeevich Ri︠u︡rikov - 1961
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